A message regarding

To continue delivering quality care, Premier Care Physical Therapy is doing our part to protect our patients and employees from COVID-19
While our mission to continue delivering quality individual care is the same, PCPT has made a few changes to accommodate these unprecedented times.
We are following CDC guidelines and adding additional protective measures to keep you safe. The measures include, but are not limited to:
- Employees and patients will be required to wear face coverings.
- Taking employee temperatures at the start of each shift.
- Taking patient temperatures upon arrival. If a patient shows a temperature over 100°, they will be asked to return home.
- Limiting the number of appointment times in a day to ensure social distancing
- Limiting the number of people in the office outside of patients and staff.
- Adding additional time for cleaning through the day, and adding additional professional cleaning throughout the week.
- Washing hands multiple times a day and after touching any patient.
- Limited the amount of seating in the front office.
- Additional protective measures to front office interactions
You can help us keep everyone healthy by:
- Staying home if you are not feeling well, have a fever, or have any symptoms related to COVID-19.
- Wash and sanitize your hands at the start, during, and end of each visit.
- Limit the number of people you bring to physical therapy, or we ask they remain in the car until you are finished. We do allow essential family members and care givers to be apart of your visit.
- Be aware of your surroundings and try to keep at least 6 feet away from other patients.
- Cover your mouth and nose with a face cover when you are in the clinic.
- Continue to follow other CDC guidelines by not touching your face, and coving your coughs and sneezes in the fold of your arm or with a tissue.
- If you have been in close contact with anyone who has confirmed COVID-19, or showing symptoms, our office will work with you to reschedule your appointments.
We will continue to keep you informed as the situation around COVID-19 changes. If you have any questions on what we are doing in our office to protect our patients and employees, we will gladly answer them. We may be limiting our interaction, but we still love to hear from you! If you are considered in the population of high risk for contracting COVID-19, or have any concerns about returning to physical therapy, please call the office and discuss options regarding your appointments.
We have the right to deny services in order to keep the greater good of our population healthy. If you have any questions or concerns please call the office at (248) 526-6600 or email us at [email protected]